Health Insurance
The Health Insurance program is administered through the Office of Group Benefits (OGB).
New employees must enroll within the first 30 days of employment. You must complete an enrollment form within 30 days after acquiring a new dependent by: birth, adoption, marriage, etc. If you do not do so, your dependent may be subject to the pre-existing condition limitation.
Effective date of coverage:
New Hires and Transfers: If employment begins on the 1st day of the month, coverage is effective the 1st day of the following month. If employment begins on the second day of the month or after, coverage is effective the 1st day of the second month following employment. If you choose not to enroll you must complete a waiver of coverage. The employee and the university share the cost of the premium.
Below is a list of the various plans all administered by the Office of Group Benefits (OGB) and all plans follow the OGB Preferred Care Network and the National Provider Directory. Information on local hospital-based physicians and ER physicians in-network can be found here.
Magnolia Open Access (Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana)
• Schedule of Benefits
• Benefit Plan
Magnolia Local (Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana)
• Schedule of Benefits
• Benefit Plan
Magnolia Local Plus (Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana)
• Schedule of Benefits
• Benefit Plan
Pelican HSA 775 (Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana)
• Schedule of Benefits
• Benefit Plan
Pelican HRA 1000 (Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana)
• Schedule of Benefits
• Benefit Plan
Plan Administrator:
Office of Group Benefits
P.O. Box 44036
Baton Rouge, LA 70804
1 (800) 272-8451
Claims Administrator:
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana
1 (800) 392-4089
Hearing Impaired call 1 (800) 846-5277
Local Customer Service Office:
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana
5501 Johnston Street
Lafayette, LA 70503
(337) 232-7527
Active employees' (or retirees without Medicare) prescription coverage is administered by MedImpact, at or 1 (800) 788-2949
CDHP-HSA Prescription Drug Program is administered by Express Scripts. The toll free number is 1 (866) 781-7533.
Health Management
OGB envisions itself as a leader in improving and preserving quality of life. The following programs are available for members of the health insurance:
- In Health: Blue Health Services Disease Management Program (formerly Living Well Louisiana)
- Diabetic Sense Program
- Tobacco Cessation Pilot Program for State Employees
- Smoking Cessation Trust
More information on these programs can be found here.
Wellness Discounts
OGB Members get special values on trusted health and wellness resources including diet programs, health clubs, spas, hotels, senior care, eye care and more.